autogen.Completion #
Bases: Completion
A class for OpenAI completion API.
It also supports: ChatCompletion, Azure OpenAI API.
chat_models class-attribute
chat_models = {'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0301', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0613', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613', 'gpt-35-turbo', 'gpt-35-turbo-16k', 'gpt-4', 'gpt-4-32k', 'gpt-4-32k-0314', 'gpt-4-0314', 'gpt-4-0613', 'gpt-4-32k-0613'}
price1K class-attribute
price1K = {'text-ada-001': 0.0004, 'text-babbage-001': 0.0005, 'text-curie-001': 0.002, 'code-cushman-001': 0.024, 'code-davinci-002': 0.1, 'text-davinci-002': 0.02, 'text-davinci-003': 0.02, 'gpt-3.5-turbo': (0.0015, 0.002), 'gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct': (0.0015, 0.002), 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0301': (0.0015, 0.002), 'gpt-3.5-turbo-0613': (0.0015, 0.002), 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k': (0.003, 0.004), 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613': (0.003, 0.004), 'gpt-35-turbo': (0.0015, 0.002), 'gpt-35-turbo-16k': (0.003, 0.004), 'gpt-35-turbo-instruct': (0.0015, 0.002), 'gpt-4': (0.03, 0.06), 'gpt-4-32k': (0.06, 0.12), 'gpt-4-0314': (0.03, 0.06), 'gpt-4-32k-0314': (0.06, 0.12), 'gpt-4-0613': (0.03, 0.06), 'gpt-4-32k-0613': (0.06, 0.12)}
default_search_space class-attribute
default_search_space = {'model': choice(['text-ada-001', 'text-babbage-001', 'text-davinci-003', 'gpt-3.5-turbo', 'gpt-4']), 'temperature_or_top_p': choice([{'temperature': uniform(0, 2)}, {'top_p': uniform(0, 1)}]), 'max_tokens': lograndint(50, 1000), 'n': randint(1, 100), 'prompt': '{prompt}'} if FLAML_INSTALLED else {}
openai_completion_class class-attribute
set_cache classmethod
Set cache path.
seed | The integer identifier for the pseudo seed. Results corresponding to different seeds will be cached in different places. |
cache_path | The root path for the cache. The complete cache path will be {cache_path_root}/{seed}. |
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clear_cache classmethod
Clear cache.
seed | The integer identifier for the pseudo seed. If omitted, all caches under cache_path_root will be cleared. |
cache_path | The root path for the cache. The complete cache path will be {cache_path_root}/{seed}. |
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tune classmethod
tune(data, metric, mode, eval_func, log_file_name=None, inference_budget=None, optimization_budget=None, num_samples=1, logging_level=WARNING, **config)
Tune the parameters for the OpenAI API call.
TODO: support parallel tuning with ray or spark. TODO: support agg_method as in test
data | The list of data points. TYPE: |
metric | The metric to optimize. TYPE: |
mode | The optimization mode, "min" or "max. TYPE: |
eval_func | The evaluation function for responses. The function should take a list of responses and a data point as input, and return a dict of metrics. For example, TYPE: |
def eval_func(responses, **data):
solution = data["solution"]
success_list = []
n = len(responses)
for i in range(n):
response = responses[i]
succeed = is_equiv_chain_of_thought(response, solution)
return {
"expected_success": 1 - pow(1 - sum(success_list) / n, n),
"success": any(s for s in success_list),
log_file_name (str, optional): The log file.
inference_budget (float, optional): The inference budget, dollar per instance.
optimization_budget (float, optional): The optimization budget, dollar in total.
num_samples (int, optional): The number of samples to evaluate.
-1 means no hard restriction in the number of trials
and the actual number is decided by optimization_budget. Defaults to 1.
logging_level (optional): logging level. Defaults to logging.WARNING.
**config (dict): The search space to update over the default search.
For prompt, please provide a string/Callable or a list of strings/Callables.
- If prompt is provided for chat models, it will be converted to messages under role "user".
- Do not provide both prompt and messages for chat models, but provide either of them.
- A string template will be used to generate a prompt for each data instance
using `prompt.format(**data)`.
- A callable template will be used to generate a prompt for each data instance
using `prompt(data)`.
For stop, please provide a string, a list of strings, or a list of lists of strings.
For messages (chat models only), please provide a list of messages (for a single chat prefix)
or a list of lists of messages (for multiple choices of chat prefix to choose from).
Each message should be a dict with keys "role" and "content". The value of "content" can be a string/Callable template.
dict | The optimized hyperparameter setting. |
tune.ExperimentAnalysis: The tuning results. |
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create classmethod
create(context=None, use_cache=True, config_list=None, filter_func=None, raise_on_ratelimit_or_timeout=True, allow_format_str_template=False, **config)
Make a completion for a given context.
context | The context to instantiate the prompt. It needs to contain keys that are used by the prompt template or the filter function. E.g., TYPE: |
use_cache | Whether to use cached responses. |
config_list | List of configurations for the completion to try. The first one that does not raise an error will be used. Only the differences from the default config need to be provided. E.g.,
filter_func | A function that takes in the context and the response and returns a boolean to indicate whether the response is valid. E.g., |
raise_on_ratelimit_or_timeout | Whether to raise RateLimitError or Timeout when all configs fail. When set to False, -1 will be returned when all configs fail. |
allow_format_str_template | Whether to allow format string template in the config. |
**config | Configuration for the openai API call. This is used as parameters for calling openai API. The "prompt" or "messages" parameter can contain a template (str or Callable) which will be instantiated with the context. Besides the parameters for the openai API call, it can also contain: - DEFAULT: |
Responses from OpenAI API, with additional fields. - | |
When |
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instantiate classmethod
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test classmethod
test(data, eval_func=None, use_cache=True, agg_method='avg', return_responses_and_per_instance_result=False, logging_level=WARNING, **config)
Evaluate the responses created with the config for the OpenAI API call.
data | The list of test data points. TYPE: |
eval_func | The evaluation function for responses per data instance. The function should take a list of responses and a data point as input, and return a dict of metrics. You need to either provide a valid callable eval_func; or do not provide one (set None) but call the test function after calling the tune function in which a eval_func is provided. In the latter case we will use the eval_func provided via tune function. Defaults to None. TYPE: |
def eval_func(responses, **data):
solution = data["solution"]
success_list = []
n = len(responses)
for i in range(n):
response = responses[i]
succeed = is_equiv_chain_of_thought(response, solution)
return {
"expected_success": 1 - pow(1 - sum(success_list) / n, n),
"success": any(s for s in success_list),
An example agg_method in a dict of Callable:
return_responses_and_per_instance_result (bool): Whether to also return responses
and per instance results in addition to the aggregated results.
logging_level (optional): logging level. Defaults to logging.WARNING.
**config (dict): parameters passed to the openai api call `create()`.
None when no valid eval_func is provided in either test or tune; | |
Otherwise, a dict of aggregated results, responses and per instance results if | |
Otherwise, a dict of aggregated results (responses and per instance results are not returned). |
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cost classmethod
Compute the cost of an API call.
response | The response from OpenAI API. TYPE: |
The cost in USD. 0 if the model is not supported. |
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extract_text classmethod
Extract the text from a completion or chat response.
response | The response from OpenAI API. TYPE: |
list[str] | A list of text in the responses. |
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extract_text_or_function_call classmethod
Extract the text or function calls from a completion or chat response.
response | The response from OpenAI API. TYPE: |
list[str] | A list of text or function calls in the responses. |
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print_usage_summary classmethod
Return the usage summary.
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start_logging classmethod
Start book keeping.
history_dict | A dictionary for book keeping. If no provided, a new one will be created. TYPE: |
compact | Whether to keep the history dictionary compact. Compact history contains one key per conversation, and the value is a dictionary like: TYPE: |
0: {
"request": request_dict_0,
"response": response_dict_0,
1: {
"request": request_dict_1,
"response": response_dict_1,