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autogen.agents.experimental.document_agent.handle_input #

handle_input(input_path, output_dir='./output')

Process the input string and return the appropriate file paths

Source code in autogen/agents/experimental/document_agent/
def handle_input(input_path: Union[Path, str], output_dir: Union[Path, str] = "./output") -> list[Path]:
    """Process the input string and return the appropriate file paths"""

    output_dir = preprocess_path(str_or_path=output_dir, is_dir=True, mk_path=True)
    if isinstance(input_path, str) and is_url(input_path):"Detected URL. Downloading content...")
        return [download_url(url=input_path, output_dir=output_dir)]

    if isinstance(input_path, str):
        input_path = Path(input_path)
    if not input_path.exists():
        raise ValueError("The input provided does not exist.")
    elif input_path.is_dir():"Detected directory. Listing files...")
        return list_files(directory=input_path)
    elif input_path.is_file():"Detected file. Returning file path...")
        return [input_path]
        raise ValueError("The input provided is neither a URL, directory, nor a file path.")