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autogen.ChatResult dataclass #

ChatResult(chat_id=None, chat_history=None, summary=None, cost=None, human_input=None)

(Experimental) The result of a chat. Almost certain to be changed.

chat_id class-attribute instance-attribute #

chat_id = None

chat id

chat_history class-attribute instance-attribute #

chat_history = None

The chat history.

summary class-attribute instance-attribute #

summary = None

A summary obtained from the chat.

cost class-attribute instance-attribute #

cost = None

The cost of the chat. The value for each usage type is a dictionary containing cost information for that specific type. - "usage_including_cached_inference": Cost information on the total usage, including the tokens in cached inference. - "usage_excluding_cached_inference": Cost information on the usage of tokens, excluding the tokens in cache. No larger than "usage_including_cached_inference".

human_input class-attribute instance-attribute #

human_input = None

A list of human input solicited during the chat.