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autogen.agents.experimental.InMemoryQueryEngine #


This engine stores ingested documents in memory and then injects them into an internal agent's system message for answering queries.

This implements the autogen.agentchat.contrib.rag.RAGQueryEngine protocol.

Source code in autogen/agents/experimental/document_agent/
def __init__(
    llm_config: dict[str, Any],
) -> None:
    # Deep copy the llm config to avoid changing the original
    structured_config = copy.deepcopy(llm_config)

    # The query agent will answer with a structured output
    structured_config["response_format"] = QueryAnswer

    # Our agents for querying
    self._query_agent = ConversableAgent(

    # In-memory storage for ingested documents
    self._ingested_documents: list[DocumentStore] = []

query #

query(question, *args, **kwargs)

Run a query against the ingested documents and return the answer.

Source code in autogen/agents/experimental/document_agent/
def query(self, question: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
    """Run a query against the ingested documents and return the answer."""

    # If no documents have been ingested, return an empty response
    if not self._ingested_documents:

    # Put the context into the system message
    context_parts = []
    for i, doc in enumerate(self._ingested_documents, 1):
        context_parts.append(f"Ingested File/URL {i} - '{doc.ingestation_name}':\n{doc.content}\n")

    context = "\n".join(context_parts)

    system_message = (
        "You are a query agent tasked with answering questions based on ingested documents.\n\n"
        + "\n".join([f"- {doc.ingestation_name}" for doc in self._ingested_documents])
        + "\n\n"
        "When answering questions about these documents, use ONLY the information in the following context:\n\n"
        "IMPORTANT: The user will ask about these documents by name. When they do, provide helpful, detailed answers based on the document content above."


    message = f"Using ONLY the document content in your system message, answer this question: {question}"

    chat_result =

        # Get the structured output and return the answer
        answer_object = QueryAnswer.model_validate(json.loads(chat_result.summary))

        if answer_object.could_answer:
            return answer_object.answer
            if answer_object.answer:
                return COULD_NOT_ANSWER_REPLY + ": " + answer_object.answer
                return COULD_NOT_ANSWER_REPLY

    except Exception as e:
        # Error converting the response to the structured output
        return ERROR_RESPONSE_REPLY + str(e)

add_docs #

add_docs(new_doc_dir=None, new_doc_paths_or_urls=None)

Add additional documents to the in-memory store

Loads new Docling-parsed Markdown files from a specified directory or a list of file paths and inserts them into the in-memory store.


The directory path from which to load additional documents. If provided, all eligible files in this directory are loaded.

TYPE: Optional[Union[Path, str]] DEFAULT: None


A list of file paths specifying additional documents to load. Each file should be a Docling-parsed Markdown file.

TYPE: Optional[Sequence[Union[Path, str]]] DEFAULT: None

Source code in autogen/agents/experimental/document_agent/
def add_docs(
    new_doc_dir: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None,
    new_doc_paths_or_urls: Optional[Sequence[Union[Path, str]]] = None,
) -> None:
    Add additional documents to the in-memory store

    Loads new Docling-parsed Markdown files from a specified directory or a list of file paths
    and inserts them into the in-memory store.

        new_doc_dir: The directory path from which to load additional documents.
            If provided, all eligible files in this directory are loaded.
        new_doc_paths_or_urls: A list of file paths specifying additional documents to load.
            Each file should be a Docling-parsed Markdown file.
    new_doc_dir = new_doc_dir or ""
    new_doc_paths = new_doc_paths_or_urls or []
    self._load_doc(input_dir=new_doc_dir, input_docs=new_doc_paths)

init_db #

init_db(new_doc_dir=None, new_doc_paths_or_urls=None, *args, **kwargs)

Not required nor implemented for InMemoryQueryEngine

Source code in autogen/agents/experimental/document_agent/
def init_db(
    new_doc_dir: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None,
    new_doc_paths_or_urls: Optional[Sequence[Union[Path, str]]] = None,
    *args: Any,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> bool:
    """Not required nor implemented for InMemoryQueryEngine"""
    raise NotImplementedError("Method, init_db, not required nor implemented for InMemoryQueryEngine")

connect_db #

connect_db(*args, **kwargs)

Not required nor implemented for InMemoryQueryEngine

Source code in autogen/agents/experimental/document_agent/
def connect_db(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
    """Not required nor implemented for InMemoryQueryEngine"""
    raise NotImplementedError("Method, connect_db, not required nor implemented for InMemoryQueryEngine")