Many hands make for light work and orchestrating workflows containing many agents is a strength of the AG2 framework.
Two-agent chat: The simplest form of conversation pattern where two agents chat back-and-forth with each other. This has been demonstrated in the previous examples.
Sequential chat: A sequence of chats, each between two agents, chained together by a carryover mechanism (which brings the summary of the previous chat to the context of the next chat). Useful for simple sequential workflows.
Group chat: A chat with more than two agents with options on how agents are selected. See GroupChat Overview for further details.
Nested chat: A mechanism to package a workflow into a single agent/chat for reuse in a workflow.
Swarm: A pattern based on agents with handoffs. There's a shared context and each agent has tools and the ability to transfer control to other agents. The original swarm concept was created by OpenAI.
Continue on to explore these.
We'll refer to conversation patterns throughout the documentation - they are simply a structured way of organizing the flow between agents.